Welcome the Fall Season with a Kids Printable Crossword Puzzle

Welcome the Fall Season with a Kids Printable Crossword Puzzle

Welcome the Fall Season with a Kids Printable Crossword Puzzle

What better way for kids to welcome autumn than with a fun and colorful crossword puzzle? Using clues, kids may discover new words and seasonal activities, and all while having fun!

In case this is the first crossword you’ve ever done, this is how it works. Read the clue next to the number at the bottom of the puzzle. Try to think of a word that will fit in the empty boxes above, using the clue. That’s it! There is a solutions page included in the download if you get stuck.

When you’ve finished your crossword puzzle, you’ll be all ready for a cozy fall season. Share it with friends and family, even make a game. Who can solve all the clues first? A fun activity for after school, weekends, and with friends.

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