Help Kids Find Ways to be Kind & Helpful with 2 Free Printables

Help Kids Find Ways to be Kind & Helpful with 2 Free Printables

Help Kids Find Ways to be Kind & Helpful with 2 Free Printables

Need a fun way to help kids learn ways to be kind and helpful? We have you covered with two printables!

Grab them below and give them to any child, letting them fill in the blanks. They can come up with all sorts of ways to be kind and helpful. When they’re done, hang it someplace for them to see each day. It will help them remember the importance of kindness and helpfulness all day long!

Makes a great after school, rainy day or weekend activity. You can print and create one for each day of the week, for a week or for a month. Once it’s completed, you can go through it with your Lit’l Author to make sure you and they understand what is written and why. Every author loves to have their work appreciated and discussed!

Activity idea for kids to fill out listing ways they can be helpful

How many ways can you come up with to be helpful?

If you need some help getting starting, try writing:

  • Help with the dishes
  • Eat what I am given
  • Listen when others talk to me
  • Play with my…
  • Find a way to keep myself busy
  • Draw a unicorn for …
  • Learn something new
Activity idea for kids to list out ways they can be kind, including prompts to get them started

Color the letters K-I-N-D and have fun writing down ways you can be kind! 

We started each letter with an idea for you! You can add more of your own ideas or you can even explain what the given examples mean to you and ways you can be kind by doing them!

It’s your activity, so have fun and be creative and always be kind!

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