6 Father’s Day Gift Ideas for Kids to Give That Are Free!

6 Father’s Day Gift Ideas for Kids to Give That Are Free!

6 Father’s Day Gift Ideas for Kids to Give That Are Free!

Father’s Day is here again! That one special day where kids can remind dad how much he means to them. Showing their love and appreciation to their father doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. The best gifts come from the heart!

So if you’re looking for some ideas for your kids to celebrate dad in a fun and unique way, read on!

1. Clean the Car

Most people like to have a shiny, clean car and dads are no exception. So grab a bucket, some soap and the water hose, and help dad keep his car bright and clean!

This idea also allows kids to spend more time with dad, which is a huge bonus!

girl helping wash a car
Picture of a Father's Day card

2. Make Him a Card

Grab some crayons, paint, pencils, markers or anything else you can design with. Draw a picture and write dad a note. Then sign it, and put it someplace safe to surprise him with on Father’s Day! If you’re not in a creative mood, you can grab our free print and color card here!

3. Help with Yard Work

You can mow the grass, pick weeds, plant some flowers, add some mulch, water the plants and help with the fertilizer. Yard work is fun but there is a lot to do and dad will probably enjoy some help. 

Plus, like the car washing gift, kids get to spend some quality time with dad!

A lawnmower and yard work supplies
Coupon book ideas for Father's Day

4. Make Him a Coupon Book

We love this idea because you can combine a lot of things into one gift.

Just write your own coupons or use an online template. Come up with a variety of things dad might enjoy and give them to him so he can use them any time he likes!

Some examples:

  1. 1 hour of quiet time for dad
  2. Help with yard work
  3. Clean the car
  4. Game time
  5. A day to do whatever dad wants to do

What can you come up with?

5. Game Day

Does dad like to play a specific game? Maybe video games or checkers or he has a favorite card game?

When you play with your kids, it might be tempting to let them win. So give dad a game day of choice, fair and square, and if he wins, be excited for him!

Just don’t tell him you let him win. Let him think he did it all on his own 🙂

dad playing video games with son
Happy Father's Day poem

6. Write him a poem or a story

It can be a lot of fun trying to come up with words that rhyme. Try writing your own poem for dad. We wrote the one here to give you an idea!

Poetry isn’t your thing? Maybe you have a fun story you can write or draw for dad? About a day you remember spending with him or an important lesson he taught you or something funny he did. Stories don’t have rules so use your imagination and have fun!

We hope you enjoyed our 6 gift ideas for Father’s Day and they left you feeling inspired! Feel free to share anything you created for your dad by tagging us on social media!

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